Něco o nás

Something about us
(Kolega Ondrovy manželky)
Something about us
(Manžel Bohušovy sestřenice)
Něco o nás

Nepodařený únik z první únikové místnosti v Bratislavě byl osudový.

Even though we didn’t actually make it out, we liked the game and immediately started thinking of how many ways and with what tools one could win in similar rooms. A group consisting of an enthusiast, a magician, a director, and a skilled craftsman eagerly began transforming a cabin in the middle of Petržalka. We thought we would have the second escape room in Bratislava finished in a few months. In the end, Podivný dům Trvalo to rok, než jsme to dokončili, přičemž na tom zůstali pracovat jen jeden nadšenec a další nadšenec. Nakonec, v listopadu 2014, po dlouhém stavebním procesu, jsme otevřeli dveře Podivný dům.

We opened them to lock in our first escape enthusiasts. While working on finishing the Podivný dům, nápady na další dvě hry, Divná Bratislava a Divný vězení, se objevily. Tenkrát, stejně jako je tomu i dnes, jsme dostávali nejlepší nápady na vytváření nových her, když jsme dokončovali jednu. Podivný dům byla od začátku nečekaně úspěšná, což nám dalo impuls k tomu, abychom oživili naše již plánované hry. Našli jsme fantastický prostor pod hradem, abychom zrealizovali Divná Bratislava. This outdoor city game combines geocaching and únikové hry and is the only městskou hru that incorporates a classic escape room.


Pro Divný vězení, we needed a very specific space. We searched and searched until we found a large hall. This led to the creation of an escape center on Muštová Street, where we now have four games. We also adapted Divná Bratislava .pro děti a rodiny, což vedlo k oblíbené Poklady Divné Bratislavy. chyběla nám klasická úniková hra v jednom pokoji, a tak jsme přijali nabídku konkurence na koupi jejich hry. Nakonec jsme ale většinu z ní předělali. Doupě divného čaroděje is a classic escape room with our slightly unconventional twist. As unique marketing for our games, we came up with another game to bring us closer to people. The Divný únikový trailer was the first escape game on wheels in Czechia and Slovakia. To this day, it has traveled thousands of kilometers, from Humenné to .. We’ve taken it to the biggest festivals, corporate events, and even small birthday parties.

In various countries around the world, unusual escape rooms were being created in old train carriages, buses, and even airplanes. We had been eyeing something similar for a while. We found an ad online for the sale of the first double-decker Neoplan bus in Slovakia. Two weeks later, the bus was parked at our place on Muštová Street. In the escape bus, we tried to incorporate puzzles related to long-distance travel. The Divný únikový autobus is currently the pinnacle of our efforts to find unique and unconventional spaces for our games. We’ve also started focusing more on events and team-building activities. We now have two trailers and create custom-made games.

Hotel rooms, conference halls, city parks—we’ve created games in all these places. Friends, family, and acquaintances help and support us, which makes things a bit easier. Over the years, we’ve been incredibly lucky with our collaborators. We’ve stayed friends with everyone who worked with us for an extended time, especially the game masters (game operators), and they are still willing to help us whenever needed. As long as people want to keep getting locked in our games, we’ll keep coming up with more and more exceptional games in unconventional settings. Now, we’d like to bring these games to Prague. We are working hard on this project, and we’ll see you there soon!

Bohuš a Ondro


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